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PhD Projects

SAAFE is supporting projects across our consortium that address priorities for the water, wine and agriculture sectors. More details of these projects will be announced once funding agreements are in place and recruitment is underway.

Round Two Now Open

We are now calling for round two applications with a focus on:

  • AMR dynamics relevant to industry risk assessment
  • Methods and tools to support AMR risk assessment and stewardship
  • AMR and AMU stewardship parameters and guidelines

Applications close on July 1, 2024.


Like SAAFE projects, PhD proposals should be driven by an identified industry need. This was a key element of feedback from the first round. For round two, priority will be given to projects which have an identified industry partner who has been involved in co-designing the project and will benefit from this project’s outputs. Partner commitments can be reinforced by project cost contributions, either as cash or in-kind, as well as advisory/supervisory support.

If you've got an idea, contact SAAFE Education and Training Manager Charlotte Ferrier to determine how we can help connect you with potential partners through our Research Advisory Committee to enable project co-design and submission in a future round.

We also support projects that promote early and mid-career researcher development, and gender and cultural diversity. Please keep this in mind when considering potential supervisors.

The SAAFE PhD funding package offers:

A scholarship stipend (living allowance) of $45k p.a. for 3.5 years FTE and $21k development funding per candidate for 3 years