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Dr Tony Peacock


“We’ve seen too much finger pointing and blame shifting – embracing AMR as a problem all of us are responsible for solving is refreshing and is definitely the way ahead.”


Tony Peacock is a Director of SAAFE CRC, Chair of the Australiasian Pork Research Institute, and an innovation advocate. With more than 20 years’ experience working with the pork industry on the responsible use of antibiotics, he’s well versed in the threat that antimicrobial resistance poses to our food industry.

Tony is a passionate proponent of the value AMR stewardship and solutions present. Prior to joining SAAFE, he invested in (and previously managed) Wintermute Biomedical Pty Ltd and Ten Carbon Chemistry – a medical and an industrial company, respectively, both aimed at reducing AMR.

Bringing a wealth of executive experience to our board, he also previously held Chief Executive Officer positions at the CRC Association, the Invasive Animals CRC, and the Pig R&D Corporation.

A career researcher, Tony is an Adjunct Professor in Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra, and has worked at universities in Sydney, Melbourne, and Saskatchewan. At SAAFE, he’s focused on getting solutions into the field, as well as coaching and training people to have the skills to implement them as our Education and Training Committee Chair.