Distinguished Professor Ed Topp
International Expert Advisory Committee Chair
“The public needs to be more aware of AMR as a slow-moving pandemic, such that they lobby for politicians and other stakeholders to make the appropriate investments to mitigate the pace of its development.”
Distinguished Professor Ed Topp is a globally recognised pioneer of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research and SAAFE CRC’s International Expert Advisory Committee Chair. An environmental microbiology and chemistry research scientist, he first became interested in AMR 15 years ago amid concerns about the widespread use of sewage sludge as organic fertiliser.
He’s an AMR pioneer, having initiated the successful Environmental Dimension of Antimicrobial Resistance (EDAR) conference series – the largest international scientific meeting to specifically address the role of the environment in antimicrobial resistance.
Ed first became interested in AMR 15 years ago when significant regulatory and scientific concerns were being raised about the widespread use of sewage sludge (biosolids) as organic fertiliser. These biosolids contained antimicrobials and other substances that may co-select for resistance in crop production systems.
At SAAFE CRC, he plays an instrumental role in establishing our IAEC, its composition of eight pre-eminent global research leaders, and its terms of reference. He brings a global perspective to our CRC, having carved a successful research career spanning North America, the United Kingdom, and France.
Ed’s other notable positions include: Scientific Coordinator of the Genomics Research and Development Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (GRDI-AMR), AMR Distinguished Research Chair at INRAE in France; and Adjunct Professor in Department of Biology at the Western University.