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Charlotte Ferrier

Education and Training Program Manager

From Charlotte

“Wastewater might hold the secret to the universe!”


Charlotte Ferrier is the Education and Training Program Manager at SAAFE CRC. She says the chance to contribute to SAAFE’s mission through the education and training program was too good to resist. Charlotte brings broad experience to our team, having worked in tertiary education for the last 20 years.

Charlotte joined SAAFE CRC from the University of South Australia (UniSA) where she held various roles over her 17-year tenure, including STEM Program Services Manager (Research) and Graduate Research Development Manager. Identifying the team’s shared intent to create positive change in the antimicrobial resistance space, she says the chance to contribute to SAAFE’s mission through the education and training program was too good to resist.

Passionate about developing the transferable skills of budding researchers, Charlotte’s extensive background in university research administration and management fostered her keen focus on research education and graduate research.

At SAAFE CRC, Charlotte is committed to ensuring our Education and Training Program becomes a defining component of the consortium’s legacy. When she’s not shaping guidelines and frameworks to support our scholars, Charlotte is liaising with our research partners to ensure we attract a healthy pipeline of standout talent.

Notably, she led the implementation of the University of South Australia’s Higher Degree Research (HDR) approach – UniSA EDGE (Enhancement of Doctoral Graduate Employability). A novel framework in the Australian tertiary education sector, EDGE is uniquely focused on career planning as part of a holistic, candidate-led approach to research.

In 2023, this work was recognised with the Australian Council of Graduate Research Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Programs and Support. The award recognises those who’ve delivered transformational engagement or support programs or services in graduate research education.